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我是幼儿教师 你孩子多大呀..如果是托班..带条备用的裤子 带个小手绢擦眼泪..第一天不哭的孩子基本没有..第一天不哭是看见新鲜事物没反映过来..第二天也得哭..有的孩子能哭一个多月..天天早上哭会..一会就好 在家多喝水.防止上火.. 告诉孩子…有事找老师.老师像妈妈…小便大便要说话 平时在家不要吓唬孩子..例如..你再不怎么怎么样..就让你们老师怎么怎么样. ..那样老师就是恶魔.谁愿和恶魔玩 多和老师沟通..要相信老师,,她们是希望每个孩子都能健康快乐 祝你的宝贝入园顺利
1 下周我会有个新书包 I will get a new bag next week. 2 明天会有一次数学考试 There will be a math exam tomorrow. 3 后天是雨天 It will be rainy the day after tomorrow. 4 下个月我们城市会有一个花展 There is going to be a flower show in our city next month. 5 明年在那边会有一动新楼房 There will exist a new building in that area next year.
Lost and Found
I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball game.There are an English book, a mathmatic book, and a physics textbook in the backpack .Besides,a student ID is also in it. After you see the Lost and Found and you lose the bag ,please call me, whose name is Mary ,in Class 2 ,Grade 9. The number is 1234567.I’m waiting for you !
20÷145=4/291、72*1/3*3/4=18(个)2、 240*(1-1/5)=192(页) 192*(1-5/8)=72(页)3、 7.5÷(1/2-3/8)*3/8=45/128(千克)4、150÷4/5=187.5(块)