



write a composition




writing 标示解释

释义 同义字/反义字 变化形

广 告

KK: []

DJ: []


1. 书写;写作;书面形式[U]

Put your ideas in writing.


2. 书法;笔迹[U]

Your writing is hard to read.


3. 著作;文学作品[P]

She has read all the writings of Shakespeare.


4. 文件;信件;铭[U]

5. 著述职业[U]




writer 作家 write 写作


英语写作 English Writing 科技英语写作 Writing Scientific Documents in English 属类:〖课程名称〗


1 、Dear XX,

I’m sorry to tell you that I’ll absent your invitation,but I’m great appriciate that you invite me to your family.The reasons are as follows:first,I’m in Shanghai now ,and I has become a volunteer in Shanghai Expo,you konw Shanghai Expo is very important to China.I think it’s my honour to become a volunteer to it.In addition,my mother will come here to see me,and I have to show her the beautiful senery in Shanghai Expo.Finally,thanks your invitation.



这些应该就差不多了 ,希望可以用上。


先认真审题,锁定其题目要求的写作范围;若有提供单词,最好都用上;句子可用从句与普通句互用,用词可用新鲜词,即与众不同的一些词,以突显你文章的吸引力. 文章要口语化,不要犯语法错误,遇到不会的词可想下其他互通的单词

英语作文 写作

In my ree time, i would like to go on a trip, however, where should i go, Hong Kong or New York. Hong Kong is a great city go visit, they have great entertainment of visit, there is alot of place that i have never been to yet, but the city is very crowed, however New York city is not crowed at all, the transport is very easy to get around the town, they have wonderful galleries. New York also have great entertainment too. so my decision for this time’s trip will be New York


My interests

Life would be boring without interests,I have a lot of interests .here today i want to tell you what are the interests of mine .

first , Playing cards with friends is one of my interests , I Often play cards when we are free , it is a positive way to train your brain of making it more brillirant . and also it can help you build up your own thought of how to make a good decision by what you only had when you are playing this game.

And more I like doing sprots ,doing sprots would let yourself more healthy both in physicality and mentality ,but I like playing basketball most ,because through it , I can learn how to collaborate with others together to achieve our goals .

furthermore , Listening music is one of my fascinating interests ,after a busy study allday ,listening music is a good option for me to relax ,by the way ,tell you a secret soft music is my best love .

These are my interests ,what is yours ?


What is your ideal room?

Iideal room is that there is a leaf of glass window and a coffee table .

Placed a cup of coffee on the coffee table and a fashion magazine.The room

entrance puts a pair of slipper. puts the potted plant near the window.Stick a beautiful picture on the wall .The wall is pure white.In from of the bed placed a computer .Next to the puts a Small cabinet.The floor is clean.This is my ideal room.

