



歌名:Zombies on your Lawn 草地上的僵尸们

歌手:Laura Shigihara


Sunflowers 向日葵们~


There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想僵尸在草坪上

I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 我知道你们的特征:高大,黑暗,还是死的

You want to bite all the petals of my head 你们想要把我们头上的花瓣都吃掉

And then eat the brain of the one who planted me here 然后吃掉把我种在这里的人的大脑

[NO!!! ] 不!!!

I’m just a sunflower but see me 我只是一朵向日葵,但看看我

power an entire infantry 组成了支部队

You like the taste of brains 你们喜欢品尝大脑

we dont’s like zombies 我们却不喜欢僵尸

[zombies 僵尸们]

I used to play football 我曾经是橄榄球球员

Road cones protect my head 路障保护着我的头

I have a screen-door shield 我有铁窗门做盾

We are the undead 我们是不死族


There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上

Maybe it’s time to reevaluate 也许是时候重新评估了

I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你们的盘子里有许多食物

Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 大脑是富含胆固醇的 [对心脏是重负]

You’re dead so it doesn’t matter 你们是死人 , 因此没关系

Instead we’ll use this solar power 而我们将使用太阳的力量

to make a lawn defense at any hour 来时刻守护这片草坪

[zombies 僵尸们]

I like your tricycle 我喜欢你的三轮车

There’s butter on my head 黄油扣在了我头上

I’m gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的大脑

We are the undead 我们是不死族


There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上

We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上



三 二 一













[zombies 僵尸们]












不过脑乳中胆固醇含量太过丰富 [对身体可是重负哦]

你们已经归西 因此不在乎



[ 僵尸们]


一盆黄油扣我头上(哼 活该)

我要吃掉你的“豆腐乳”(豌豆君救命啊> <)









…那个没有主题曲 是轻音乐吧 这KOUGOU上可以找到 …应该是(僵尸在你的草坪上) …草地上的僵尸们;草地上的怪蜀黍 …There is a zombie on…



白天] There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上有一个怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上有两个怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了一个怪蜀黍 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们不喜欢草地上的怪蜀黍 I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 我知道你们又高又黑又粗鲁 You want to bite all the petals ofs my head 准备把我们头上的花瓣铲除 And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here 然后将主人的脑袋烹煮[NO!!! ] I’m just a sunflower but see me 我只是一朵向日葵 power an entire infantry 我们却组合成整支部队 You like the taste of brains 你们喜欢品尝主人的“脑乳” we dont’s like zombies 我们却不欢迎怪蜀黍 [zombies 僵尸们] I used to play football 我曾经是国足 Road cones protect my head 我头顶三角柱 I have a screen-door shield 我手持铁栅门 We are the undead 我们都是怪蜀黍 晚上] There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上还是有怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上有好多怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了新的怪蜀黍 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们讨厌草地上的怪蜀黍 Maybe it’s time to reuate 也许是时候重新评估 I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你们有许多食物 Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 不过脑乳中胆固醇含量太丰富 [对心脏是重负] You’re dead so it doesn’t matter 你们已经归西 , 因此可以不在乎 Instead we’ll use this solar power 所以我们将使用阳光的力量 to make a lawn defense at any hour 来把这片草地常守护 [zombies 僵尸们] I like your tricycle 你的三轮车看起来很舒服 There’s butter on my head 一盆子黄油扣在我头部 I’ gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的“豆腐乳” We are the undead 我们就是怪蜀黍 [屋顶] There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上有一个怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上有两个怪蜀黍 There is a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了一个怪蜀黍 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们不喜欢草地上的怪蜀黍 [完] There is a zombie on your lawn 有只僵尸在吃草 There is a zombie on your lawn 两只僵尸在除草 There is a zombie on your lawn 好多僵尸在胡闹 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们把僵尸都赶跑 I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 你这怪胎:头脑痴呆 You want to bite all the petals of my head 怎会让你这样胡来 And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here 竟来糟蹋我辛苦种的蔬菜 I’m just a sunflower but see me power an entire infantry 别以为我们是loli 但拥有无穷的魔力 You like the taste of brains we don’t like zombies 我们蔬菜家族不欢迎你 [zombies](反正类似rap 怎么翻都可以 我随便写的) I used to play football 我踢过足球 Road cones protect my head 我有三角桶保护 I have a screen-door shield 我手持铁栅门 We are the undead 我们是痴呆 There is a zombie on your lawn 有只僵尸在吃草 There is a zombie on your lawn 两只僵尸在除草 There is a zombie on your lawn 好多僵尸在胡闹 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 我们把僵尸都赶跑 Maybe it’s time to reevaluate 别怪我没警告过你 I know you have a lot of food on your plate 逼我们拿出土豆蘑菇雷 Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 到时后悔可来不及喽哦~ You’re dead so it doesn’t matter Instead we’ll use this solar power to make a lawn defense at any hour 奇迹, 不会发生在这儿而你们注定失败 每颗菜会坚守每一秒(PS:这里matter和instead是连唱的 所以翻译时也把发音尽量连起来) [zombies] I like your tricycle 我看好你的三轮车 There’s butter on my head 黄油扣在我头上 I gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的“豆腐脑” We are the undead 我们是痴呆 There is a zombie on your lawn 有只僵尸在吃草 There is a zombie on your lawn 两只僵尸在除草 There is a zombie on your lawn 好多僵尸在胡闹 We don’t want zombies on the lawn 僵尸都被赶跑了 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg4NzUyNTA0.html 这是视屏地址


[00:04.46]”There’s a zombie on your lawn” [00:08.75]”POP CAP” [00:09.88] [00:24.29]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:28.74]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:33.29]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:37.57]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上 [00:42.12]I know your type: tall,dark,and dead.我知道你的种类:又高又黑又不死 [00:45.02]You want to bite all the petals off of my head.你想要咬掉我脑袋上的所有花瓣 [00:48.29]And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here.然后吃掉将我种在这里的人的脑子 [00:52.43]I’m just a sunflower but see.我只是一个向日葵但是 [00:54.73]me power an entire infantry.看我整个步兵队的力量 [00:56.91]You like the taste of brains we don’t like zombies.你喜欢脑子的味道,我们不喜欢僵尸 [01:02.61](I used to play football,我以前要玩橄榄球 [01:07.26]Road cones protect my head,路障保护我的头 [01:11.84]I have a screen-door shield,我有纱窗盾 [01:16.23]We are the undead!)我们是不死族 [01:19.22]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [01:23.58]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [01:28.09]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [01:32.45]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上 [01:36.98]Maybe it’s time to reevaluate.也许是时候重评价 [01:40.13]I know you have a lot of food on your plate.我知道你盘子里有很多食物 [01:43.01]Brains are quite rich in cholesterol.大脑真的很高胆固醇 [01:47.05]You’re dead so it doesn’t matter.你是死人所以无所谓 [01:49.59]Instead we’ll use this solar power.而我们将使用太阳能 [01:51.83]To make a lawn defense at any hour.来做一个随时防御的草坪 [01:57.47](I like your tricycle,我喜欢你的三轮车 [02:02.04]There’s butter on my head,有块黄油在我头上 [02:06.66]I’m gonna eat your brains!我要吃你的大脑 [02:11.79]We are the undead!)我们是不死族 [02:14.33]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [02:18.37]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [02:22.94]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [02:27.22]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上



00:04.46]”There’s a zombie on your lawn”

[00:08.75]”POP CAP”


[00:24.29]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:28.74]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:33.29]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[00:37.57]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上

[00:42.12]I know your type: tall,dark,and dead.我知道你的种类:又高又黑又不死

[00:45.02]You want to bite all the petals off of my head.你想要咬掉我脑袋上的所有花瓣

[00:48.29]And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here.然后吃掉将我种在这里的人的脑子

[00:52.43]I’m just a sunflower but see.我只是一个向日葵但是

[00:54.73]me power an entire infantry.看我整个步兵队的力量

[00:56.91]You like the taste of brains we don’t like zombies.你喜欢脑子的味道,我们不喜欢僵尸

[01:02.61](I used to play football,我以前要玩橄榄球

[01:07.26]Road cones protect my head,路障保护我的头

[01:11.84]I have a screen-door shield,我有纱窗盾

[01:16.23]We are the undead!)我们是不死族

[01:19.22]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:23.58]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:28.09]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[01:32.45]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上

[01:36.98]Maybe it’s time to reevaluate.也许是时候重评价

[01:40.13]I know you have a lot of food on your plate.我知道你盘子里有很多食物

[01:43.01]Brains are quite rich in cholesterol.大脑真的很高胆固醇

[01:47.05]You’re dead so it doesn’t matter.你是死人所以无所谓

[01:49.59]Instead we’ll use this solar power.而我们将使用太阳能

[01:51.83]To make a lawn defense at any hour.来做一个随时防御的草坪

[01:57.47](I like your tricycle,我喜欢你的三轮车

[02:02.04]There’s butter on my head,有块黄油在我头上

[02:06.66]I’m gonna eat your brains!我要吃你的大脑

[02:11.79]We are the undead!)我们是不死族

[02:14.33]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:18.37]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:22.94]There’s a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上

[02:27.22]we don’t want zombies on the lawn.我们不想要僵尸在草坪上




[ti:Zombies On Your Lawn]


[al:PvZ Soundtrack]


[00:07.68]Artist: Laura Shigihara

[00:10.62]Album: PvZ Soundtrack

[00:13.62]Title: Zombies on Your Lawn


[00:20.22]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上有一个怪蜀黍

[00:24.29]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上有两个怪蜀黍

[00:28.98]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了一个怪蜀黍

[00:33.29]We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们不喜欢草地上的怪蜀黍

[00:38.10]I know your type: tall, dark, and dead 我知道你们又高又黑又粗鲁

[00:40.73]You want to bite all petals off of my head 准备把我们头上的花瓣铲除

[00:43.55]And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here 然后将主人的脑袋烹煮

[00:48.36]I'm just a sunflower 我只是一朵向日葵

[00:50.60]but see me poweran entire infantry 我们却组成整支部队

[00:52.66]You like the taste of brains 我们却组成整支部队

[00:54.79]we don't like zombies 我们却不欢迎怪蜀黍

[00:58.22]I used to play football 我曾经是国足

[01:03.22]Road cones protect my head 我头顶三角柱

[01:06.98]I have a screen-door shield 我手持铁栅门

[01:11.79]We are the undead! 我们都是怪蜀黍

[01:15.10]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上还是有怪蜀黍

[01:19.22]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上有好多怪蜀黍

[01:23.73]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了新的怪蜀黍

[01:28.22]We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们讨厌草地上的怪蜀黍

[01:32.98]Maybe it's time to reevaluate 也许是时候重新评估

[01:35.78]I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你们有许多食物

[01:39.59]Brains are quite rich in cholesterol 不过脑乳中胆固醇含量太丰富

[01:43.22]You're dead so it doesn't matter, 你们已经归西,因此可以不在乎

[01:45.65]Instead we'll use this solar power 所以我们将使用阳光的力量

[01:48.35]to make a lawn defense at any hour 来把这片草地常守护

[01:53.53]I like your tricycle 你的三轮车看起来很舒服

[01:57.98]There's butter on my head 一盆子黄油扣在我头部

[02:02.59]I'm gonna eat your brains! 我要吃掉你的“豆腐乳”

[02:06.83]We are the undead! 我们都是怪蜀黍

[02:09.53]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上有一个怪蜀黍

[02:14.16]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上有两个怪蜀黍

[02:18.78]There's a zombie on your lawn 草地上又来了一个怪蜀黍

[02:23.10]We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们不喜欢草地上的怪蜀黍

植物大战僵尸 主题曲叫啥

zombies on your lawn


皮尔将军记 末日英雄 普朗特医院 还有很多·,你可以搜植物大战僵尸同人,应该会有很多


《植物大战僵尸LC》 《植物大战僵尸LC》歌词


三根半夜的十分,池塘漫漫浓雾,种下阳光菇。僵尸静静地开了木门,以为眼神,胆小菇会激愤。装模作样读着报纸,怕我们不认识,当头一个瓜瓜。嗯~(读报僵尸的声音) 伙伴等你了一触即发,保护脑子,收拾僵尸!听说你的房子里,在开一个party,我们马上就来,谨至:僵尸!One!Two!Three!唔啦啦嘿!我只配合双发射手为你打,管你是盔甲还是铁桶都被击垮;那个是,蹦蹦跳,高坚“锅魁”帮我打,没有真烦恼,南瓜头来罩。唔啦啦嘿!不管怎么做嫩矫健的步伐,原来大嘴花和窝瓜早已盯着他。就算僵王博士,妄想一统天下,我们也会齐心合力打到他害怕!唔啦啦嘿!不管怎么做嫩矫健的步伐,原来大嘴花和窝瓜早已盯着他。就算僵王博士,妄想一统天下,我们也会齐心合力一直打到他害怕!啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦!唔~(割草机的声音)啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦!嗨!啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦!嗯~(读报僵尸的声音)啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦!哈哈!