



咕力律动儿歌 全13集 国家/地区: 国产 简介: 在很久很久之前,大海中间有一座小岛.岛上茂密的森林里居住着相亲相爱的咕力咕力家族.它们快乐,阳光,爱学习,热情开朗,充满爱心.跟着咕力咕力一起,听儿歌,学知识吧!

蓝色是美丽天空的颜色 红色是熊熊燃烧的火焰 白色是冬天雪花飘飘 粉红是我的小小手

蓝色是美丽天空的颜色 红色是熊熊燃烧的火焰 白色是冬天雪花飘飘 粉红是我的小小手

颜色歌 蓝色是美丽天空的颜色 咕力咕力儿歌 红色是熊熊燃烧的火焰 白色是冬天雪花飘飘 粉红是我的小小手 褐色是泥土的颜色 灰色是大象的厚厚皮肤 黄色是酸酸的大柠檬 黑色是一只小八哥 蓝色是美丽天空的颜色 红色是熊熊燃烧的火焰 白色是冬天雪花飘飘



歌曲:梦想的花 歌手:咕力儿歌 专辑:咕力儿歌 歌词: 大树下小枝丫 迎着光在长大 雨儿大风儿刮 风雨都不怕 梦想啊会开花 要添砖要加瓦 明天变成高楼大厦 阳光下迎着风 悄悄在发芽 快出发实现它 梦想多么的伟大 大树下小枝丫 迎着光在长大 梦想开出美丽的花http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/7196093/








是的,歌词是这样的:弯弯的小月牙 天空上高高挂 大树睡着啦 小鸟也飞回家 弯弯的小月牙 和我说悄悄话 爸爸妈妈都爱我 幸福在发芽 温暖的一家 多么幸福呀 温暖的一家 我们都爱它 温暖的一家 我爱它


是的 爱学习的小乌龟 小乌龟,爬楼梯,一二三四五六七.爬到太阳上, 太阳说它爱学习.爬到月亮上, 月亮说它爱美丽.爬到星星上,星星向它行个礼.爬到地球上, 地球冲它笑眯眯.小乌龟,爬楼梯,一二三四五六七.小乌龟,爬楼梯,一二三四五六七.爬到太阳上, 太阳说它爱学习.爬到月亮上, 月亮说它爱美丽.爬到星星上,星星向它行个礼.爬到地球上, 地球冲它笑眯眯.小乌龟,爬楼梯,一二三四五六七.




Blind (Radio Edit) – Feder/Emmi

I’d figured you out

There wasn’t a doubt

In my mind

I was so blind to it

So obvious now

Now I can see how

Them late nights

Set you on fire then you

You pulled a face I’ve seen

Only in magazines

Can’t look you in the eye

I want to run and hide

Heart stops and I can’t breathe

What you just said to me

It down right blew my mind

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

I didn’t didn’t know

I didn’t didn’t

I didn’t didn’t know

I didn’t didn’t

I didn’t didn’t know

I’m sorry I ran

With scissors in hand

I’m so young

That was straight dumb of me

Head out of the sand

Now I understand

And I’m numb

I was undone when you

You pulled a face I’ve seen

Only in magazines

Can’t look you in the eye

I want to run and hide

Heart stops and I can’t breathe

What you just said to me

It down right blew my mind

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

Didn’t see it coming coming coming

I didn’t didn’t know

I didn’t didn’t

I didn’t didn’t know

I didn’t didn’t

One night

You make it all shine

When I saw you tonight

It was like the first time

And how could one night

Turn me down upside

When I saw you tonight

It was like the first time

And I

I didn’t didn’t

I didn’t didn’t know

I didn’t didn’t

I never expected this today

Oh God I’m falling catch me now

I didn’t see nothing come my way

Oh God I’m falling catch me now