



Since 2004, in the eastern part some economy developed areas,specially 珠三角 the area repeatedly appeared “the laboureruncultivated land”. The labourer massive is short, specially aninformer person’s reduction and the technical talented person lack isaffecting enterprise’s production management. “The laboureruncultivated land” produces the immediate cause is labourer’slong-term low treatment, low quality as well as of age young laborforce reduction. The deep level reason lies in the external workpersonnel to safeguard the system backwardness, the enterprise ideaand the economical growth pattern lag. This article mainly willinquire about the solution from the service worker’s demand aspect”the labourer uncultivated land” the phenomenon countermeasure.

Key word: 珠三角; Labourer uncultivated land; Reason; Demand;Countermeasure



Abstract:Along with the development of the economy, notes to the Accounting Statement plays a more and more important role in the statement analysis, and it can makeup for the inadequacy of current accounting information disclosure, enhanceusers the understanding to the accounting information, and increase the valueof accounting information. Itprovides basic information of the enterprise, accounting statement compilingbasis, declaration of compliance with corporate accounting standards, theimportant accounting policies and accounting estimates, instructions of changesin accounting policies and accounting estimates as well as correction oferrors, and important report Item description etc. which are the key for these users tomake the right decisions.However, due to various reasons, there are manyshortcomings in terms of Accounting disclosure, especially in disclosureof the notes to the financial aspects of enterprise, and that affect theinvestors to accurately and comprehensively understand the information oflisted companies. Therefore, normative content of information disclosure to Accounting Statements Notes and the importance and effects of the Accounting Statements Information were firstlyintroduced in this article. Also the current situation and existingproblems of Disclosure of Accounting Statements in China were analyzed, as well, anumber of specific recommendations were put forward.

Keywords:Accounting statements; notes; disclosure



Abstract transport national economic and social development is the foundation of social production, circulation, distribution, consumption and the normal operation of all sectors of the coordinated development of the prerequisites for the protection of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the national economy and improving people’s life is very important Role. In this paper, Taizhou City transport network to the status of a simple, mainly from the port, railway, highway and other aspects of their strengths, to find the existence of various problems, then targeted a number of improvement measures, With a view to improving the transport network in Taizhou city layout, and enhance the level of transport services such as transport capacity to provide reference.

Key words: transport network of Taizhou City

论文摘要 如何翻译成英文?

Picking Wanting Facing the new century, the new situation to education for all-around development’s request, our former literary production education, should discover unceasingly the new question, studies the new situation, accepts the new idea by the new thinking mode and the teaching method guidance writing. How did this article discuss has been able better unifies the classroom instruction and the practice, arrived at the knowledge through the teaching curriculum middle school, how contrasted the work should actually the better utilization theory. Explained collects folk songs the active basic significance, how to hold the key point. The discussion emphatically has collected folk songs the source material and the creation relations, and explains with examples. Elaborated the teaching, to collect folk songs, to create three relations. Statement: “the teaching to collect folk songs provides the rationale, to collect folk songs for the creation provides the basic source material, whether the creation is examines the teaching theory correct key”. Thus the clear expression teaching, has collected folk songs with the creation relations. key word: The practice teaching creation collects folk songs


The design of digital integrated circuit technology, STC89C58RD + C single-chip microcomputer as the core hardware and software combination to hardware greatly simplified and improved system stability. C programming language used to increase the readability and portability procedures, in order to facilitate the expansion and changes to the design of modular software structure, so that the logic of the relationship between program design more concise. The design adopted for the vector dot-matrix liquid crystal display data and therefore have a user-friendly operation and aesthetically pleasing results page.

In addition to the design of the time display, alarm, the whole, a single time, temperature, as well as schedule management, brown-out protection.

Keywords: digital integrated circuits; STC89C58RD + C; C language; LCD technology;


写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主. 介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如: Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text. 叙述研究现状时,也可以用一般现在时,例如: This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures. 叙述研究结果时,大多数用一般过去时,例如: Our text achieved the possibility above.


Abstract: Along with the material life of rich gradually, people begin to seek spiritual enjoyment, tourism and leisure activities as first choice, arises at the historic moment of TV travel programme is big also more popular, but a successful tourism programs cannot leave the excellent tourism show host, how to be excellent tourism show host? The host in tourism programs have any play space? This paper will be through the analysis of the characteristics and the purpose of the festival for the host of the requirements, combine the program works “love is not over, Sri Lanka” multiple instances of special tourism, analyzing the preliminary research in travel programme can be played, the space of ascension that tourism show host comprehensive quality and ability of the way, for the following practice provided theoretical basis.

Key words: tourism programs, play Spaces, the host



In today’s society, many parents pay much attention to the child ‘s intellectual development, and have neglected the children good behavior habits. While the children good habits, in his whole life have an important impact on development.

In young minds of children, parents like God as power. Children lack of other imitated natural parents, the way to solve the problem completely accepted, and considered as the golden laws and precious rules. Parents know self-discipline, self and self-esteem, life in order, the child will appreciate sb.’s thought, and regard it as the highest criterion. Parents living in chaos, reckless, children also zhaodanquanshou, and considered as the only proper course to take.

Thus, the values of parents, education, strict degree as well as on child development orientation, will directly affect the child discipline act. This paper mainly from the following three aspects:

Cultivate cultivate self-discipline the importance of sexuality.

Way of family education directly affects their self-regulatory behavior.

Train children to develop self-discipline behavior guidance method.


Abstract: poplar leaves explants, a tissue culture pilot study. The results show that: the vein and petiole easily produce adventitious buds; medium BA concentration is affected adventitious buds forming the key; BA concentration in the 0.5 to 2 mg / L of adventitious buds have returned BA1.0 mg / L and NAA0 .05 mg / L with use, can promote the formation of adventitious buds; medium add GA3 0.1 to 0.2 mg / L, can increase the frequency of adventitious buds. On this basis, the establishment of poplar leaves vitro regeneration system, the use of the system can be regenerated shoots high frequency, but a slight difference between the different varieties.



Chinese have abundant couples appellation, they contain traditional social etiquette, ethics and folk cultural phenomenon, many couples to transcend language sign the appellation word itself, it reflects the spy’s traditional ethics, the phenomenon of its superior specific historical period of social and cultural value.