



Let Mengfei up, I am the sky, so that Mengfei up, I am the sea “, the dream of a virtual presence everywhere, but the real dream but very few people who ο because of the virtual dream was unrealistic to establish a clear direction in life there is no , it will not go to his hard work, not going to struggle, only to keep in mind in my mind, it did not prove with actual deeds; while there is a real dream of persons, objects naturally appears to be very smart and deep, so they will draw up guidelines, will be out a direction, hard work, and to strive for, ‘a real dream “, urging them and pushing them to charge forward in the pursuit of dedication for the dreams ο Therefore,

Is often the second person’s achievement rates than the first height of a man hugging a thousand times more ο dream, withhold a dream, we dream of the proceeds of theヘthe purpose of our actions are recorded, documented the hard work of our hard work, record of our hard sweat, but also records the fruits of our rich, but also records the fruits of our numerous ο ▼



1. Memory is grip of time2. May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. ——《英美诗歌概论》OR We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.OR Life, I wish people for a long time 三个版本,任君挑选




I am not worthless, my grades were poor, people have to comfort me that you just came close relative in your class, but I understand that I am not a relative difference, I was poor, and many people are issued with emotion: “wow You are 6 classes, “Every time I go along with a smile, but you know how my heart pain,

I’m not worthless, does not mean that learning is not good for nothing, maybe I sports is good, maybe I better communication skills, perhaps,,, although these are not good I am, but I believe that God has created me to be useful,

Not that I stop learning, I would like to do, I am also hard because I’m not worthless.



1 You look so cool wearing this hat.2 Is English difficult for you?3 I’d like to meed you this Monday afternoon.4 I am very busy this Thursday.5 I excercise for one hour everyday.6 Mary is a very funny girl.1 You look cool in this hat.


Before we phoned Huang Miao’s mum. What happen to Huang Miao? He fell down and hurt his knees seriously. The doctor prescibed him some pain killers, but it wasn’t help at all.


With English :-).By English :-).





I help my mother (to) clean the room twice a week.

PS:help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事,to口语中可省略,但书面语尽量不省略.


He left without saying a word.

PS:without是介词,后加名词或动名词;say a word口语上用作”说一句话”,而不是”说一个词”


Please speak English as often as possible.



Please wrap up this sweater for me.

PS:祈使句后加动词原型,wrap up表”把….包起来”的意思.


It is very easy for me to play basketball.

PS:”It is+adj.+for sb+to do sth”表示做××对某人来说怎么样


My coat is not as big as(so) yours.

PS: not as+ adj.+ as(so) 表示和××不一样的意思




人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译) 普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation


My grandmother gets headache at least 2 times per week. 请采纳,以此鼓励我做的更好,谢谢.