

a ticket to tomorrow program 3

a ticket to tomorrow program 3

Program 3: “Right Now” Read along [The telephone rings.] Mr. English: Hello, this is Mr. English. Tamara: Hi, this is Tamara. Mr. English: How are you , Tamara? Tamara: I’m fine but I’m lost. I’d like to read some books, so I’m looking for the public library. Can you help me? Mr. English: Well, where are you now? Tamara: I’m at the corner of Main Street and First Avenue. Mr. English: Oh, you are not far from the library. It’s at the corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue. Tamara: Main Street and Seventh Avenue. Mr. English: I can meet you and show you the way. Tamara: Oh, thank you, but that’s not necessary. I’ll find it. I’ll call you later. Mr. English: Are you sure? Tamara: I’m sure. Thanks again! Bye-bye! Mr. English: Take care. Tamara: Hum… I’m on First Avenue and Main Street. And I’m looking for Seventh Avenue and Main Street. Is it this way… or that way? Excuse me. Man: Yes? Tamara: Can you tell me how to get to the library from here? Man: From here? Tamara: Yes, from here? Man: To the library from here? Tamara: Yes, to the library from here. Man: Hmm… how to get to the library from here? Tamara: Yes, how to get to the library from here. Can you tell me? Can you tell me how to get to the library from here? Man: Of course! OH, YOU CAN TAKE A BUS, OR YOU CAN TAKE A TRAIN. OR IF YOU HAVE THE TIME, YOU CAN WALK DOWN MAIN STREET. GO TEN BLOCKS. IT’S NOT VERY FAR. WHEN YOU GET TO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT, THERE YOU ARE! Tamara: Thank you! Man: No problem. Tamara: [repeating the directions] You can take a bus, or you can take a train. Or if you have the time, you can walk down Main Street. Go ten blocks. It’s not very far. When you get to the traffic light, there you are! Oh, where am I? [She calls Mr. English.] Mr. English: [His telephone rings.] Hello? Tamara: Mr. English? Mr. English: Tamara, are you all right? Tamara: I’m fine, but I’m still lost. I can’t find the library. Mr. English: Where are you? Tamara: Well, there’s a very big, gray animal in front of me. [We hear an elephant.] Some children are giving him some food. I think they are giving him peanuts. The animal is taking the peanuts with his big nose, and he’s putting the food into his mouth. Mr. English, this isn’t the library! Mr. English: Tamara, you’re at the zoo! Just wait there, I’ll come and help you. Tamara: No, no, I’ll find it. Mr. English: Are you sure? You’re walking the wrong way. Turn around and go down Main Street in the opposite direction. Tamara: Ok, thanks. Tamara: Listen. The library is near a big bus station. Ask someone for directions to the bus station and you’ll see the library. Tamara: All right, Mr. English. Thanks for your help. [She sees a woman on the street.] Excuse me! Woman: Yes? Tamara: Can you tell me how to get to the bus station from here? Woman: From here? Tamara: Yes, from here. Woman: To the bus station from here? Tamara: Yes, to the bus station from here. Woman: Hmm, how to get to the bus station from here? Tamara: Yes, how to get to the bus station from here. Can you tell me? Can you tell me how to get to the bus station from here? Woman: Certainly. WALK STRAIGHT AHEAD AND AT THE CORNER, TURN RIGHT. THEN GO TWELEVE BLOCKS TO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT. AT THE STATION, YOU’LL SEE A BIG SIGN. AND THERE, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE STANDING IN LINE. Tamara: I appreciate it. Woman: My pleasure. Tamara: [repeating the directions] Walk straight ahead and at the corner, turn right. Then go twelve blocks to the traffic light. At the station you’ll see a big sign. And there are a lot of people are standing in line. Oh, where am I? [She calls Mr. English.] Mr. English: [His telephone rings.] Hello? Tamara: Guess who. Mr. English: Tamara. Tamara: Mr. English, I’m so sorry to bother you again. Mr. English: Don’t worry about it, Tamara. Where are you now? Tamara: Well, I’m inside a building. A lot of people are standing in line. But I have a feeling that this isn’t the bus station. Mr. English: What are the people doing? Tamara: Well, four people are standing behind windows. Now, a man in line is going to one window. He’s giving a little piece of paper to the woman behind the window. She is reading the paper. Now, she’s counting some money. She’s giving the money to the man. Now he’s counting the money. He’s putting the money into his pocket. He’s saying good-bye to the woman. And now, he is walking away from the window. Mr. English: Tamara, I think you’re at the bank. Look outside the front door, what’s there? Tamara: Oh, there’s a park across the street. Mr. English: I know that bank. I’ll be there in ten minutes. And please, wait for me outside the bank. Tamara: OK. Thanks a lot. Mr. English: Don’t mention it. RIGHT NOW, I’M STANDING ALONE. I’M LOST, AND I’M ASKING WHY. I’M WATCHING HE WORLD, BUT THE WORLD IS PASSING BY. RIGHT NOW, I’M FAR FROM MY HOME. I’M LOST AND I’M FEELING BLUE. I’M TRYING TO SMILE WHILE I’M WAITING TO SEE YOU. RIGHT NOW, I’M FEELING SO LONELY WITH SO MANY PEOPLE NEAR. RIGHT NOW, I’M TRYING TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. . BUT NOTHING IS CLEAR. THE CITY IS KIND. BUT I’M FINDING MYSELF ALL ALONE RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW, SHE’S STANDING ALONE. SHE’S LOST, AND SHE’S ASKING WHY. SHE’S WATCHING THE WORLD, BUT THE WORLD IS PASSING BY. RIGHT NOW, SHE’S FAR FROM HER HOME. SHE’S LOST AND SHE’S FEELING BLUE. SHE’S TRYING TO SMILE WHILE SHE’S WAITING TO SEE YOU. RIGHT NOW, SHE’S FEELING SO LONELY WITH SO MANY PEOPLE NEAR. RIGHT NOW, SHE’S TRYING TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. BUT NOTHING IS CLEAR. THE CITY IS KIND, BUT I’M FINDING MYSELF ALL ALONE RIGHT HERE. Mr. English: Don’t worry, Tamara! We’ll be together very soon. And we’ll go to the International Coffee Shop for something to eat. So that’s all for now — until the next time –on A Ticket to Tomorrow!



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会计电算化软件无法打开,由于SQL Sever的超级用户口令被修改。这个问题如何解决?

登录系统管理提示输入SQL Server口令


SA口令为空或口令比较简单很可能会被病毒或木马功击,建议用户设置SA密码,操作步骤:系统管理àAdmin身份登录à系统菜单à设置SQL Server口令,此提示情况可能由于有时SA口令遗忘或失效,也可能是环境问题所致。


1. 在正在连接到的计算机中打开命令提示符窗口。 开始à运行à输入cmdà确定

2. 在命令提示符处键入以下命令,然后按 Enter 键,注意‘U’字符一定为大写

osql -U sa

这样可以通过 sa 帐户连接到本地默认实例


osql -U sa -S servername



3. 再次按 Enter 键。此操作将为 sa 传递一个 NULL(空)密码。

如果按 Enter 键后出现以下提示,则您对 sa 帐户没有密码:



提示1:如果收到以下错误信息,则表示您输入的密码不正确。此错误信息表示已为 sa 帐户创建了密码:

“Login Failed for user \’sa\’.” 或 “用户’sa’登录失败”

提示2:以下错误信息表示运行 SQL Server 的计算机设置为只限 Windows 身份验证:

Login failed for user \’sa\’.Reason:Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

用户’sa’登录失败。原因:未与信任SQL Server 连接相关联

提示3:如果您收到以下错误信息,则表示 SQL Server 可能未运行,或者您可能为安装的 SQL Server 的命名实例提供了错误名称:

[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

[Shared Memory]SQL Server 不存在或防问被拒

[Shared Memory] ConnectionOpen (Connect()).



1. 先停止 MSSQLSERVER 以及其他相关服务(如 SQLSERVERAgent)。

2. 打开注册表编辑器,开始à运行à输入cmd点确定

3. 找到以下两个子项之一(取决于 MSDE 是作为默认 MSDE 实例安装的还是作为命名实例安装的):


1. 或者 –

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLServer\\

1. 在右窗格中,双击 LoginMode 子项。

2. 在 DWORD 编辑器对话框中,将此子项的值设置为 2,选择了 十六进制(Hex) 选项(默认情况下,Windows LoginMode 注册表子项的值设置为 1。如果启用SQL的身份验证模式,则此值为 2。)

3. 一定要重新启动 MSSQLSERVER 和 SQLSERVERAgent 服务以使更改生效

情况2:在安装数据库或配置系统管理时设置过SA口令,由于第一次登录系统管理或重新安装用友通等原因,修改或清空SQL Server的SA口令方法



操作步骤:企业管理器à控制台根目录àMicrosoft SQL ServersàSQL Server组à服务器名称(默认名称为机器名或local)à安全性à登录à双击SA(右边界面)à密码重置




需注册控件:操作系统安装目录\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msadox.dll和msado15.dll


1. 打开命令提示符窗口。 开始à运行à输入cmdà确定

2. 键入以下命令,注意‘U’字符一定为大写

osql -U sa

1. 输入密码

2. 输入以下命令(注意小写的引号)






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toca kitchen 怎么用中文翻译

kitchen 常用来表示表现现代生活中如同厨房那样乱带有七八糟情景的剧或歌曲等.toca 是一款模拟经营类手机游戏软件,汉语音译为 “托卡”,所以 toca kitchen 可以翻译为“托卡大杂烩”


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