



英语口语其实没有我们想象的那么难,只要每天坚持说一段英语,每天让自己开口,保证自己学的不是哑巴英语就可以让你的英语在不知不觉中得到提高的。 30) A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow? B: Sure! No problem. 没问题 29) A: Did you know that Linda’s uncle is Jacky Chen? B: You are joking! 别开玩笑了How did you know that? 28) A: Do you know there is a new theater down the street? B: Yeah. So what? 那又如何?那又怎样? 27) A: The boss was every angry at the meeting。 B: Why? Is there anything wrong? 有问题吗? 26) A: I didn’t mean to be bump into you。 B: That’s all right. 没关系 25) A: Be careful on the road. 路上小心It’s getting dark。 B: Ok! 24) A: Do you want the black tie or the red one? B: You decide. 你决定吧! 23) A: Everyone’s late。 B: Not again! 不会吧! 22) A: I have had enough! 我真是受够了! B: Why? What did he do? 21) A: Let’s call it a day. 今天到此为止吧! I am so tired。 B: All right! 20) A: Calm down. 冷静一点It’s not such a big deal。 B: You won’t understand。 19) A: Please allow me让我来to open the door for you。 B: Thank you! 18) A: Could I borrow your bike? B: Out of the question! 不可能的 17) A: The phone is ringing。 B: I’ll get it. 我来接(电话) 16) A: When will you wake up? B: It depends. 看情形 15) A: I can’t finish my homework. Can you help me to do some? B: Who cares! 谁管你呀! 14) A: Do you know the height of that building? B: You’ve got me there. (Beats me) 我想不出来:你考倒我了 13) A: We lost the game again! B: Cheer up! 振作点You’ll do better next time 12) A: Let’s have pizza for lunch。 B: No way! 不行I hate pizza。 11) A: It’s an important test。 B: Yes, I will go for it! 加油! 10)A: Tell me the truth. I don’t want nonsense. 胡说 八道! B: I am telling the truth。 9)A: Please come in。 B: After you. 你先(请) 8)A: May I leave a message, please? B: Hold on. 请稍等 7)A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow? B: Whatever! 随你的便 6)A: What were you talking about? B: Mind your own business. 别多管闲事 5)A: Do you really want to quit your job? B: I mean it. 我是说真的 4)A: Check, please。买单 B: Yes, sir。 3)It‘s on me. 我来付 A: The beer is on me B: Thank you。 2)A: Hey! What’s up?嘿! 近来过得如何? B: Nothing much! As usual。 1)A: I have to go。




管你是什么样的基础,只要你肯花心思学习都不会很难的,我有朋友之前应该也是属于零基础的,因为工作很长时间没有接触英语了,后来去一线口语上课了,1对1的外教教学,没有外界压力,不用担心说错,不用担心开不了口,轻松自如与外教交流, 学习地道的英语口语!







he speeding ticket

a police officer pulls a guy over for speeding…

officer: may i see your driver’s license?

driver: i don’t have one. i had it suspended when i got my fifth dui.

officer: can i see the registration for this vehicle?

driver: oh, it’s not my car. i stole it.

officer: the car is stolen?

driver: yeah. oh, but come to think of it, i think i saw the registration in the glove compartment when i was putting my gun in there.

officer: you have a gun in there?

driver: yes sir. that’s where i put it after i shot the lady who owns the car. she’s in the trunk.

officer: there’s a body in the trunk?!?

the officer tells the man to hold on, backs off carefully, and calls for backup. quickly, the car is surrounded by police, and the captain approaches the driver to handle the situation.

captain: sir, can i see your license?

driver: sure, officer.

captain: hmm, this license is just fine. whose car is this?

driver: it’s mine, officer. here’s the registration.

captain: could you slowly open the glove compartment, please, so i can see if there’s a gun in there?

driver: yes, sir, but there’s no gun in it.

he opens it, and sure enough, there’s no gun.

captain: would you mind if we opened the trunk? i was told you said there’s a body in there.

driver: no problem.

the trunk is opened, nothing in there but a spare tire.

captain: the officer who stopped you said you told him you didn’t have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glove compartment, and that there was a dead body in the trunk.

driver: yeah, i’ll bet he told you i was speeding, too!


I have today,Millie.Hi:00,I don’?No;t.Do you have any Art lesson today,I do.What about you,Peter.Do you often have lunch with each other at lunchtime?Yes.Do you go to school at 7;t,I don’.I go to school very early?NoHi


1)爱上英语;学习英语成为了乐趣; 2)买一本好的词汇书,有词汇造句的那种,提高词汇量很重要; 3)多读,多背好的文章; 4)多写,尽量运用各种不同的语法,从句,倒装,强调句,虚拟;还有好的短语等; 5)翻译,并和原句对比.找出差距,不断积累.找机会和老外(最好母语是英语)说英语,口语能得到很大的提高. 结合能飞英语学习软件 http://www.langfly.com/oral/来学习


I am not sureyou can talk about cheat in exam ,cohabitation and cut class


F: Front Desk of The Holiday Inn

Y: You

F: Good Morning, The Holiday Inn! Can I help you?

Y: Good Morning! I am interested in 10 rooms for the next weekend.

F: Great! Definitely we can help you for that.

Y: Can you tell me about the pricing?

F: Well, it depends. Can you come here to have a face-to-face talk?

Y: I love to! Would you please schedule an appointment for me?

F: Sure. It’s a good idea to talk to our Reservation Manager.

Y: OK…

F: When will it be convenient for you?

Y: I’ll be free after 5:30PM today.

F: 5:30 is fine. So where to meet?

Y: What about your place?

F: We’ll welcome you here. By the way, our full name is The Holiday Inn Hotel, Nngbo.

Y: I got it! Thank you very much!

F: Great! So see you at 5:30PM today. Bye!

Y: Bye!


Hello! What are you going to do?

B: I am going to the shop to buy something for our evening party.

A:Evening party?Are your classmates going to have the party

B: Yes,we are.

A:Evening party?When will you have it?

B:Toninght.We’ll get our teachers and classmates together.

A: can you tell me something more about your party?

B: OK. First our headmaster will give us a talk.Then we will sing and dance. At last we will have our dinner together.

A:I think sounds like fun! Can I join your part?

B: Of course. I think we will have a great time