



Growing flowers is interseting. Natural music is popular among youthes. I wish recover soon I like dancing with music These stamps are valuable The child is too young to walk Beacuse they are so tired, they stop working




With the progress of human society and the development of social economy, the living standards of people more and more high, furniture has become necessary in our life, because now it has items not only as a thing to satisfy people’s use of tools, but also the function of our way of life, a lot of spirit, a single white-collar is savoured indoor furniture notice, but because the area is small apartment, could not put large furniture. But just fill the assorted furniture. They can use them to open, and not to put them together, namely, to solve the problem of interior space, there are certain artistic eye.

Keywords: furniture: art, Combination, design



I am sincere service for you with the blue-collar, and my job is to bring you convenience: I put your satisfaction, bring home!


translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)


一般说来,先要注意一个句子的主干(如果是问句,先把它当做陈述句,翻译后再转为问句,熟练就直接),根据主干确定翻译的主体,至于枝叶向上边补充,多是一些状语,至于修饰成分添上即可,另外注意时态和特殊用法(例如倒装、虚拟语气、特殊句型) 举个例子,拿“中文怎么翻译英文”吧! 主干:将中文翻译成英文(向外语转化时一定要把汉语习惯中省略的成分补充出来) translate Chinese into English(没强调主语) 问句:怎么,how 译为:how to translate Chinese into English? 当然这个比较简单,你可以随便试一个句子,只要里边没有你不会的单词,译完一定要核实译得够不够准确,哪里需要改进


Here are some information about visiting the exhibition, Friday afternoon students can take the bus to reach the Science and Technology Museum at 2:30 pm in front of the Science and Technology Museum collection I hope the students will not be late teacher will lead us to participate in the exhibition can take pictures as notes fiveend of the tour the students can go home in half。这是标准的翻译哈,希望能帮到你


Dear Mary: I’m sorry to hear about you are bad at English.First,you can practice your pronounce by reading aloud,you can study grammer by listening to the tapes. Best wishes to you.


College is located in rhode island brown ( r. ) providence. i have the church of the city of private universities, and dunked it in the establishment of a 1764年 ( 7490 a registration, the library books, 966, 160 ). the school books for the seventh rank of the oldest university. pembroke college for women in school, university in 1971 and brown. brown into a school of the old book and the 1800 years ago the united states of the evidence collection. brown is very famous university on this


Do a play

And works in a magazine

From… get

You grow very want to do?

He works in a magazine when reporters.

His work and exciting and dangerous

His mother in a station as a reporter

He often go out to eat

He wants to find an interesting job

Always asked me many questions every day

The students from Singapore, study hard.