



Chinese people speak chinese. ( people 可有可无 )



Please speak Chinese.



If your decision is correct, no one will remember it, if your decision is wrong, I even find it difficult to breath, I would like to know how you will remember me? we say that we have to stand the difficult of our love , love is selfish, can not be given, nor sympathy. You simle, or you are silent to let me guess our future . i am too weak to accept another blow, in your foggy talk , i saw a lot of pain and sorrow. If this is what you want, I have nothing to say, you gave me a good hope, I would like to make it come ture, now it become my most painful commemoration。。。

楼主或许受伤了 哎 翻译的时候看的我也唏嘘不已 祝福


translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)


I’m sorry , some times I want to go to Guangzhou, but I can hardlyever speak English ,and I don’t know what to say when we meet.


I spoke to him several times but he was so abosrbed in reading that he didn’t hear a single word I said. 这应该是比较恰当的翻译了.

我只会说中文 英语翻译

这个有很多说法的,看自己的水平使用才是: Only Chinese. Only Chinese I speak. I only speak Chinese. I speak only Chinese. etc. DONE.


Thank you, my friends, thank you for your advice, in fact, everything I know, because I was careful, I would like to give each other a chance, so do not want to say it, but to date, I have to admit that he foolishly paid Only in exchange for dirty sinking heart. From this one on, I am responsible to myself, my life will be sincere, practical, happy, happy …


中文翻译 英文意思是:Chinese translation 英文也可以读作:Chinese Translation Chinese translation 中文翻译; 中译本 Chinese 英 [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] 美 [tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis] n. 中文;汉语;华人;中国人 adj. 中国的;中文的;中国人的;中国话的 translation 英 [trænsˈleɪʃn] 美 [trænsˈleʃən, trænz-] n. 翻译;译本;转化;转变 复数: translations


感谢你一直以来的支持. Thank you for your support all the time. I appreciate your support all the time. 希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳