



从时间上说是不可能的,但是从个人感受2113上,你可5261以通过以下方法来回到1999. 你可以去听1999年的音乐,去熟悉1999年左右产生4102的事物. 以及在1999年所发生1653版的事情,以及在1999年你所熟悉的更熟悉的地方. 把这些元权素都聚集起来,你就会产生1999年的感觉.



麻烦回去告诉我,2007年11月28日中国福利彩票双色球07139期结果是红色球 06 10 12 14 16 22 ● 蓝色球 06 1.5亿啊!!!!!!LZ你就帮我这把吧!!!



可以回到过去啊.. 自己真的在乎的时候.可以为了维护一段感情,为了改变,为了见到印象中清纯,可爱,简单的脸庞. 可以是为了解决一次危机,一个感情危机,一次经济困难,或者家庭纠纷. 可以为了公益,回到过去 告诉人们2008年5月12日将会在汶川发生大地振让大家快点转移 穿越,不一定要去古代.对于我们来说,现在是最真实的.我们失去的亲人或者情人,是最珍贵的.






请你回去帮我找到我最好的朋友小奕. 然后告诉她她一直都是我最好最在乎的朋友.我一直一直很喜欢她. 然后要和她一起努力.考到海中去.西西!



我是1999年出生的,但户口上是01年的.我想改回到99年的,可以吗? 因为中考已经办了



对了 里面主角参加了个乐队 还唱了James Blunt的 You’re Beautiful 就记得这么多了

歌中有back to 1999歌词,歌是啥

曲名:Back to December 歌手:Taylor Swift I’m so glad you made time to see me How’s life? Tell me, how’s your family? I haven’t seen them in a while You’ve been good, busier than ever Small talk: work and the weather Your guard is up and I know why Because the last time you saw me will still burn in the back of your mind You gave me roses and I left them there to die So this is me swallowing my pride, standin’ in front of you, sayin’ I’m sorry for that night And I go back to December all the time It turns out freedom aint nothin’ but missin’ you, wishin’ I’d realized what I had when you were mine I go back to December, turn around and make it alright I go back to December all the time These days I haven’t been sleepin’ Stayin’ up playin’ back myself leavin’ When your birthday passed and I didn’t call And I think about summer, all the beautiful times I watched you laughin’ from the passenger side and I realized I loved you in the fall Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye So this is me swallowing my pride, standin’ in front of you, sayin’ I’m sorry for that night And I go back to December all the time It turns out freedom aint nothin’ but missin’ you, wishin’ I’d realized what I had when you were mine I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind I go back to December all the time I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinking Probably mindless dreaming If we loved again I swear I’d love you right I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t So if the chain is on your door, I understand This is me swallowing my pride, standin’ in front of you, sayin’ I’m sorry for that night And I go back to December It turns out freedom aint nothin’ but missin’ you, wishin’ I’d realized what I had when you were mine I go back to December, turn around and make it aright i go back to December turn around and change my own mind I go back to December all the time All the time