



中文the Chinese language; Chinese:

且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese

.中文书刊books and magazines in Chinese

他学过一点中文,还没有涉足中国文学。He’s learned a bit of Chinese and not yet set foot in Chinese literature.

你有中文软件吗?Do you have Chinese software?

为了学好中文 (起见)in order to learn Chinese well

他对中文只懂得一点儿皮毛。He has only a smattering of Chinese.

我希望我能说流利的中文。I hope to be able to speak fluent Chinese.

那老外中文讲得不错。The foreigner speaks Chinese well.

要学好中文,飞下苦功不可。You have to work hard to master Chinese.

我们要考他们的中文。We’ll examine their Chinese.

教中文只不过是他的一个兼差。Teaching Chinese is just his side job.

他的中文底子很好。He has a solid grounding in Chinese.

我的中文丢了十几年了。I haven’t used my Chinese for more than ten years.

我学中文,得益不少。I’ve got a lot out of studying Chinese.

我的中文还不够好。My Chinese still isn’t good enough.

他的中文不次于你。His Chinese is as good as yours.

他的中文也还可以。His Chinese is passable.

把这篇文章译成中文。Translate the article into Chinese.



中文翻译 英文意思是:Chinese translation 英文也可以读作:Chinese Translation Chinese translation 中文翻译; 中译本 Chinese 英 [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] 美 [tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis] n. 中文;汉语;华人;中国人 adj. 中国的;中文的;中国人的;中国话的 translation 英 [trænsˈleɪʃn] 美 [trænsˈleʃən, trænz-] n. 翻译;译本;转化;转变 复数: translations




There is a magazine entitled “Youngsters” on the platform.


Who is willing to help me to make up for my English?


No one is ready to believe his words because he is a dishonest man!

4. 我和我的姐姐一样慷慨大方

I am as generous as my elder sister.


Sandy wants to be a singer when he grows up.


Daniel wants to tour the world when he grows up.


It is quite necessary for youngsters to talk/chat with their parents.


We have been good friends for a long time.


my deskmate always offers his seat to the person who needs it on the bus.


I spoke to him several times but he was so abosrbed in reading that he didn’t hear a single word I said. 这应该是比较恰当的翻译了.


Jobs Male, 18 years old, technical capacity is not strong, does not speak English. Free I would like to pay for your company for three years, if your company feel that I have learned more than the consumption cost. Please contact :***** You Are the One 5年就是 five years


1. Yesterday my mother told me that we would go to travel in Dujiang Weir at the weekend.2. I was told that I was fired by the boss.3. He suggested that I should have a thorough examination in the hospital.4. Yesterday my friend told me that he would come to China to travel next month.1. The red clothes that I bought last National Day was stolen.2. The tennis racket that I just bought yesterday was sent to one of my best friends.3. The man who you saw just now is my roommate.4. The meeting that I will attend tomorrow is put off because there is no place to hold it.


english translation chinese mythroad caa myNes先生(口语 my music我的音乐 apple苹果 Audio音乐 lmage citydata重要日期 music音乐 Other files 其它文件 private私人的、秘密的非官方的 sounds声音


It is going to rain.That means I can have a good rest. 要下雨了,这意味着我可以好好休息一下. 天太旱了,明天我们第一件事就是去浇一浇卷心菜. The weather is too drought, the first thing we will do tomorrow is to water the cabbages.


Nobody has to understand me. I just need a record of things I can have a look and understand me, but 6.1 billion people have nowhere to be found.


1.海平面 2.对热带雨林的破坏 3.引起污染 4.environment-friendly things 5.the enviroment problem 6.保护环境.