











孩之宝在日前披露了旗下人气系列《彩虹小马》(又名《小马宝莉》)的电影版计划.该片已经列入拍摄日程,计划将于2017年上映.孩之宝启用了《冰川时代4》的编剧Joe Ballarini 为《彩虹小马》撰写剧本,《彩虹小马》电视版动画剧集和家庭电影《彩虹小马:小马国女孩》的制作人Megan McCarthy将担任本片的制作.


小马宝莉第五季又译《我的小马驹:友谊就是魔法》《彩虹小马》,小马宝莉第五季是由美国孩之宝于2013年制作的系列动画.孩之宝工作室的董事长斯蒂文·戴维斯在接受某节目访谈时称小马宝莉第五季已确定制作当中. 小马宝莉第五季故事背景讲述的是一只叫紫悦的小马为了执行导师宇宙公主给她的任务,与助手穗龙一起来到小马谷学习有关友谊的知识.在小马谷中,她邂逅了几位好朋友,在和谐水晶中,各扮演重要的关键元素. 此后,紫悦便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活.小马宝莉第五季共26集,每集时长约为22分钟.

小马宝莉之彩虹摇滚 中所有人物介绍。

Sunset Shimmer(余晖烁烁/落日余晖/微光烁烁)

配音:Rebecca shoichet


生日:8月12日 星座:狮子座


橙色身体,黄红相间棕毛的独角兽。“小马国女孩”第一部中出场的反派,有想成为公主的野心,所以被Princess Celestia开除其学生身份后躲在人类世界。在本剧她偷去Twilight Sparkle的皇冠,还一度恶魔化却被主角群制服。之后她在“彩虹摇滚”中洗心革面成为她们的朋友,对被邪恶力量控制的事物变得非常敏锐,最终站在正义一方得到她其真正的魔法–友谊,并加入了“彩虹音爆”乐队。之后便成为两世界的通信人。 Siren塞壬海妖


Adagio Dazzle(艾达琪)




她的同伴总是跟随她,因为她是一个不可否认的力量。 Sonata Dusk(索纳塔)



(官方)古怪的Sonata Dusk用会一些异想天开的方法,她为自己的乐队增加了一种特殊的耀眼的光芒。

观众总是被她神奇的声音,她的举动为乐队调高音量。 Aria Blaze

简介:淡紫色身体,紫青相间的鬃毛,紫色眼睛。 与Sonata Dusk有许多观点不同。

(官方)她精神而且时尚,从不羞于说出她的想法,当Aria Blaze走上舞台,她迷人的声音任何人都能听到。她手中神奇的麦克风,帮助乐队不辜负它的名字。


第一部《My Little Pony:Equestria Girls》《彩虹小马:小马国女孩》 第二部《彩虹小马:彩虹摇滚My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks》 第三部<小马国女孩—友谊大赛>

谁知道小马宝莉大电影2中的三个女巫唱的那首rainbow rocks preview的歌词是啥,急求,哪位大神帮一下忙!


第一首:under our spell


“Now that you’re under our spell.”

[The Dazzlings]

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]

Now that you’re under our spell

Blindsided by the beat

Clapping your hands, stomping your feet

You didn’t know that you fell

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]


[Adagio Dazzle]

Now you’ve fallen under our spell

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]


[The Dazzlings]

We’ve got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky

We’ve got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our spell

[Adagio Dazzle]

Listen to the sound of my voice

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]

Soon you’ll find you don’t have a choice

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]

Captured in the web of my song

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]

Soon you’ll all be singing along

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

Oh, whoa, oh

[The Dazzlings]

We’ve got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky

We’ve got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our spell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our

[Adagio Dazzle]


[maniacal laughter]

第二首:lets have a battle


Let’s have a battle!

[The Dazzlings]


[Adagio Dazzle]

We heard you want to get together

We heard you want to rock the school

We thought of something that is better

Something that changes all the rules

Why pretend we’re all the same

When some of us shine brighter?

[Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk]

Shine brighter

[Adagio Dazzle]

Here’s a chance to find your flame

Are you a loser or a fighter?

[The Dazzlings]

Me and you, you and me

Why don’t we see who is better?

We don’t have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what’s so wrong with a little competition?

Are you afraid of failing the audition?

[Adagio Dazzle]

You’re a star and you should know it

Yeah, you rise above the rest

It doesn’t matter who you hurt

If you’re just proving you’re the best

[The Dazzlings]

Ah, ahh-ahhh

Battle! You wanna win it

Let’s have a battle, battle of the bands

Let’s have a battle, we’ll go all in it

Let’s have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands


“Blueberry Cake”: I can beat you!

The Dazzlings: Battle!

“Cherry Crash”: Ha! You wish!

The Dazzlings: Battle!

Trixie: I so want this!

The Dazzlings: Battle!

“Captain Planet”: Not if I get it first!

[The Dazzlings and students]

Me and you, you and me

Why don’t we see who is better?

We don’t have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what’s so wrong with a little competition?


I’m going out and winning the audition

[The Dazzlings and students]

Battle! We wanna win it

Let’s have a battle, battle of the bands

Let’s have a battle, we’ll go all in it

Let’s have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands!


是:友谊因缘吧!(国配名) 大概在20多集!你直接搜:小马宝莉友谊因缘


小马宝莉电影1叫小马国女孩 2叫彩虹摇滚