守株待兔 成语故事 贝瓦
守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù
解释: 株:露出地面的树根。原比喻希图不经过努力而得到成功的侥幸心理。现也比喻死守狭隘经验,不知变通。
雨过天晴,贝瓦钻出水面,看着美丽的彩虹,好奇的说:“为什么会有彩虹呢?”滴滴装着思考地说:“嗯,是月亮姐姐搭的桥,她请你去她家做客呢。”贝瓦兴奋地向着彩虹游去,滴滴哈哈的笑着,喊到:“贝瓦,我逗你玩呢,快回来。” 滴滴看着刚刚游回来的贝瓦,笑着拿出三棱镜说:“远处有些贪玩的小水滴,走在回家的路上,遇到太阳公公照射的光线。小水滴就像三棱镜,光线穿过小水滴时会发生折射,就出现七色光啦。”贝瓦和滴滴认真地研究着神奇的三棱镜,阳光照在三棱镜上面,出现美丽的七色光。贝瓦开心地说:“我们找到七色光啦。” 小朋友,你知道彩虹是怎么形成的吗? 雨后远方的天空中,还有小雨滴在下落,太阳光穿过雨滴就会形成彩虹。 原本太阳光是笔直前进的,但光线进入水中会发生折射,不同波长的光折射的角度不同,白色光线就被分解成红橙黄绿青蓝紫七种色彩,形成彩虹。
歌曲名字 Hey Juliet 歌手 LMNT 歌曲名字 Get Down 歌手 后街男孩 歌曲名字 one for da money 歌手 over groind 歌曲名字 Sugar In The Marmalade 歌手黎明 歌曲名字 party in your bedroom 歌手 Cash Cash 歌曲名字 Girl Crazy 歌手 LMNT 歌曲名字 young for you 歌手 The gala
the song of beowulf is an England’s nationgal epic and its hero Beowulf–one of the national heroes of the English people.The whole song is essentially pagan in spirit and matter,while the interpolation is obviously an addition made by the christian who copied song.
there was a monster called Grendel,for it always eats warriors of the king ,so the king asked beowulf for help,beowulf fights with it and made it wounded badly then it died after rushed out to the marshes.
Grendel’s mother wants to take the revenge for the death of her son.so she seized the king’s best friend,beowulf followed the bloody trail ,this time they fight under the water ,that’s the dwelling of the monster’mother,also they had a big fight,at last ,our hero cut off the heads of the monster and his mother.After he finished the mission, he went back home where he ruled as king for fifty years.
the last part of the poem tells that one of beowulf’s subjects stole some of the treasure which had been guarding for three hundred years by a dragon ,the dragon can breath fire.so our hero sought the dragon in his cave and killed it.but beowulf mortally wounded,and died after seeing in the cave the heaps of treasure.
at last ,according to his will,the people followed his instruction how to bury his body and how to rule the country after his death.they buried his ash under a tremendous mound and piled the earth and stones so high that the mound thereafter became a beacon for the seafarers who sailed along the coast,thus ,even after his death,beowulf continued to serve people.
That’it.i hope it can give you some help.That’s my pleasure.
放钢琴曲名曲 朗朗的
贝瓦是一只卡通小河狸,还有个叫贝拉的,是个小女孩的形象. 参考贝瓦网 www.beva.com
the wife of bath讲了一个什么故事