

toca kitchen 怎么用中文翻译

toca kitchen 怎么用中文翻译

kitchen 常用来表示表现现代生活中如同厨房那样乱带有七八糟情景的剧或歌曲等.toca 是一款模拟经营类手机游戏软件,汉语音译为 “托卡”,所以 toca kitchen 可以翻译为“托卡大杂烩”

谁有托卡厨房2安卓版的app 网盘和百度云都行!

谁有托卡厨房2安卓版的app 网盘和百度云都行!

http://game.hiapk.com/mind/140922/1546969.html 这里有安卓版的.



不行, 一般装修用公积金,必须有装修合同才可以. 除非你在装修合同上造假,不然提不出那么多.


In the 10 minute breaks between classes, some students choose to stay indoors, sitting at their desks chatting with their classmates or dozing off. Others, however, prefer to go outdoors to play actively for a while. I am in favor of the latter, of course. The following are my reasons.

On the one hand, having been concentrating on what the teacher says and what they do in class makes both our brains and eyes tired. Playing actively outdoors provides our brains and eyes with entirely different kinds of activities, thus enabling them to have a complete rest. On the other hand, with so many students sitting in the classroom for such a long time, the air inside is certainly not fresh, and sometimes can even be foul which is certainly bad to our health. Playing actively outdoors enables us to breathe a lot of fresh air, thus making us refreshed and re energized very quickly. The last reason is that sitting at the desk for hours on end can be bad to our body. Playing actively outdoors makes us strong and fit.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that those who stay indoors go out to play actively in the 10 minute breaks between classes. It will surely make you healthy and wise.

英语作文: 写一篇5—8句的短文,介绍你的家人以及他们的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢或不喜吃

I have a happy family.There are five people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother,my sister and I.My father is a worker,he works in a factory,and he likes rice and chicken very much.My mother is a nurse,she works in a hospital,and she likes coffee and fruit a lot,but she doesn’t like chicken at all.My brother and my sister are still little kids,they all like bananas and oranges.And I like most food,because they are good for my health!I love my happy family!

写一篇不少于5字的英语作文,题目为My Classroom.

My Classroom Hello, everybody! Do you want to know my classroom? Well, I`m so glad to have a big and beautiful classroom. I am in Class 1, Grade 6. There are 51 students in my classroom and there are two boards, many new desks and chairs in my classroom.This is my classroom. So how about your classroom












黑白颜色的AE86是一辆只有130匹马力的日本“国宝级”旧款跑车,但凭着藤原拓海超凡的技术和天分,先后击败同样是天才少年Red Sun车队的高桥启介;驾驶令人望而生畏的黑色R32的中里毅;采用死亡胶布赛(用胶布粘绑住右手,使方向盘无法扭到空手时的最大限度)战胜了KightKids的第二把交椅;更在秋名山的山道中击败Red Sun第一把交椅,驾驶着代表高贵的FC3S的高桥凉介。当然,拓海的成长不止这些,“他的技术就像艺术一样”,我们最熟悉的就是AE86那华丽的甩尾(汽车用语。指车疾速行驶时疾速拐弯,车轮横向滑动的状态。)以及排水道跑法。




《头文字D》的第二部着重突出拓海的成长,当然不乏激烈的挑战。最经典的要数赤诚和依吕波山路两位老大的比拼。年轻的拓海在爱情上触了礁,在输给国王车队的lanEvo 3后,拓海遇到了人生的挫折,对自己和AE86产生了怀疑,AE86真的有足够的实力吗?





故事的主人公拓海最后选择了边工作边飞车,正职是运输公司的司机,同时加入了赤诚Red Sun车队,并为“改写各地的记录,留下传说”而奋斗。




动感地带5元包10M的每天只上两个小时Q聊天,一个月够用吗?急 急 急



楼主是说收到什么叫你去领奖的网站么? 这类都别信,只要中间不是 qq(如im.qq.com) 的都不是官方网站都是假的,这类千万别信,假的!


Kent: Let’s go to have dinner together.

Lee : Sure. Where you want to go?

Kent: I don’t have preferences as long as the food is delicious. Any recommendations?

Lee: Hmm… Let me think… How about having Chinese food in the restaurant opposite to our company?

Kent: Good idea. I haven’t been there before since I’ve come here for 2 days.

Lee: Let’s go!

Lee brings Kent to the Chinese restaurant and order fish, chicken, vegetables, rice and soup.

Within 15 minutes, the waiter serve the foods.

Lee: I’m sure you’re hungry. Let’s start.

Kent: Yes, I’m hungry. But the waiter hasn’t serve bread… I will wait for it to serve with the soup.

Lee: Haha… Kent. This shop is serving the soup and dishes without bread! Sorry… I’ve placed the order using Chinese and I haven’t told you what I’ve ordered just now…

Kent: Oops! I thought there will be bread… And they didn’t provide me fork and knife too… How to serve the fish and chicken?

Lee: Haha… My fault. I should have asked the waiter to prepare a fork for you. By the way, they don’t have knife. We normally use chopsticks.

Kent: Is these the chopsticks you have mentioned? I would prefer a fork rather than these sticks…

Lee: Sure. Let me request the waiter to get a fork for you.

Kent: Thanks. Now tell me… What do you serve with the soup?

Lee: You may serve it with rice… The bowl in front of you…

Kent: Oh ya… I’ve seen it in television before I come here. Rice… I haven’t tried it before…

Lee: Great! It’s time for you to try it… It taste good serving with the dishes…

Kent: I’m too use to have bread… Potatoes… Salad… By the way… The salad is not serve with dressings yet. l like mayonnaise…

Lee: Oh my dear brother… This is not salad. It’s the fried mixed vegetables… They are not serving with dressings… Haha… You’re killing me…

Kent: Haha… I’m sorry. I thought it’s salad. Ok… Don’t laugh at me… Just introduce me the dishes one by one…

Lee: Sure. Let me serve you.

有什么不明白再找我, 谢谢!