



Everyone needs friends .每个人都需要朋友

We all like to feel close to someone 我们都喜欢与某个人亲近

.It is nice to have a friend to talk , laugh , and do things with.与朋友谈笑风生,一起做事都非常美好

Surely , sometimes we need to be alone .当然,有的时候我们需要一个人清静清静 We don`t always want people around . 我们不需要一直有人围绕着我们

But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. 但是如果一直没有朋友我们会感觉到孤独。

No two people are the same .没有两个人是一样的

Sometimes friends don`t get on well .有的时候朋友不能相处的很好

That doesn`t mean that they no longer like each other .但那不代表他们不再喜欢对方 Most of the time they will make up and become friends again . 多数情况下他们会解决问题,再次成为好朋友。

Sometimes friends move away .有的时候与朋友离别

Then we feel very sad .我们会感到非常难过

We miss them very much , 我们非常非常想念他们

but we can call them and write to them .但是我们可以打电话或者写信给他们

It could be that we could even see them again .那样就好像我们再次见到他们一样 And we can make new friends .我们可以交新朋友

It is suiprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them 当我们开始了解新的人时,我们会惊奇地发现我们是多么地喜欢他们。

There`s more good news for people who have friends . 对于拥有朋友的人来说有许多好消息

They live longer than people who don`t .他们比那些没有朋友的人寿命更长

Why ? 为什么

It could be that they are happier .因为他们比较开心

Being happy helps you stay well .保持快乐能够帮助你保持健康

Or it could be that they just know that someone cares .或者是因为他们仅仅是知道有人关心他们

If someone cares about you , you take good care of yourself.当你知道有人在关心你的时候,你就会更加的照顾好你自己。



Few students passed the exam.

翻译 翻译成英语

翻译 翻译成英语

In this paper, in practice, keep ARPA Various limitations in, and then for the avoidance of ships, to make corresponding countermeasures. ARPA It is the driver’s eyes, as long as And give full play to the proper use of ARPA functions, we can guarantee the safe navigation of ships.


1.Some people have difficult getting up early.

It’s difficult for some people to get up early.

2.I won’t leave unless you can me tomorrow.

I won’t leave until you come tomorrow .(不知道你的can me 是不是写错了,应该是come吧)

3.The foreigner complanied about the service in the 5-star hotel.

The fordegner was not satisfied with teh service in the 5-star hotel !

4.It’sessential for us to have a good beginning of the new year.

It’s necessary for us to have a good beginning of the new year.

5.You can do many things to improve your memory.

There are so many ways to improve your memory.





Zhang Ailing’s works at the performance of desolation of life and distorted humanity. Her classic work “The Golden Lock” is representative of this feature. She works to Cao Qiqiao shaped into a cruel, outrageous, sick mother. The only reason why two aspects: First, Cao Qiqiao intrinsic reasons, the second is the persecution of feudal ethics. Because of these two reasons to make the yoke of her money slash at smb a daughter-in-law, ruined the well-being of their children, thus the real subversion of China’s traditional culture of the mother image.

Key words

The mother of missing pathological love lost feudal ethics of self-persecution



I want to have something, you should forget it, in the mid-term exam last year when the thing happened, was all very good, but such halcyon however in the English exam of the night before was broken, your father that night said I will always remember, on that day, my self-esteem suffered serious damage, I cried, time Ren Ran, memory pieces have been hurt me, I think, in your father’s eyes, achievements and blood, he prefers results now, whenever I learn tired, or any of the rest of the time, I am in his word to stimulate oneself, one day, I’ll let you dad had done for him, no matter what the decision to regret, we are always good brothers, it won’t change, finally, bless you.



记住自然成交在平衡, 不是便利。为每个正面,有阴性。在冬天您能走横跨小河在岩石或桥梁; 在季风, 您可以必须离开您的起动和滚动您的裤子, 或在一些地方, 穿过一条河在一个开放箱子, 被拉扯沿钢缆绳。足迹也许是溜滑和泥泞的在地方, 零件甚而冲走。一些足迹提供更高的选择, 但您或您的指南必须知道何处他们是。

在平, 树木丛生的舒展在 谷在季风, 我交谈与我的朋友当他消失了- 好象通过一个未看见的陷井门。他滑倒了在被腐蚀的足迹, 和下落了大约10 米。就象那样。

季风的最难吃的方面迁徙大概是水蛭。长, worm-like 生物大约2-4 厘米长和变化的肥胖, 他们摇晃从lush 植被, 潜伏在湿叶子之下或在潮湿的地面里, 和等信任的trekker, 他们是丰富的在森林里在1200 米之上和很少被发现在3500 米之上。他们顺利地滑入T恤杉衣领、trouser 袖口和袜子外缘。您感觉没什么, 除了或许一种凉快的感觉当, 象计数Dracula, 他们攻击和消耗您的血液。

但不同于恶劣计数, 水蛭比有害讨厌。然而, 您应该以后观看为传染的标志。采取某一商业蚊子放水剂可利用在迁徙的商店, 或去除他们由适用于碘或盐他们的头。某些人民烧身体以比赛, 导致水蛭滴下。卷起气喘袖口在您的袜子里面和浸泡您的袜子上面在盐里。现在和然后, 检查您的身体水蛭, 特殊您的胳膊、腿和脖子。在一夏天trek 期间, 我发现了只四在我的身体通过整个星期, 当其它小组在同样足迹被骚扰了他们。一部分的您的运气取决于您的旅行的时期。水蛭盛产在灌木、树和草在雨天


I’m li hua, raises a classmate! I’m very sympathetic to your experience, I’m willing to put my money to you, our class each and every one of my classmates will help you, you must be optimistic, better tomorrow in waiting for you, we believe that you will live better! You must take a body and get well soon!!!!!


ou walk along the road in front of the gate and go straight. You will see a bridge. After the bridge, right away. Around in front of the hills. You will see a lake, the lake walked along. We can see a small trees in the woods